Stone 10.10.10 Vertical Epic Ale

I’m not going to lie. I’ve been holding on to this beer for almost a full year, not wanting to drink it. Just waiting for a special occasion (like a blog), to come along. I have resisted an incredible siren’s song every time I open my fridge and it’s the first thing I see. It has been sitting there, tempting me, BEGGING me to drink it, and be without that bottle forevermore……Good thing I’ve got two! Let’s crack this bad boy OPEN!

The Verdict:

So the bottle says it is a Belgian style tripel brewed with chamomile flowers and the juice from 3 different wine grapes (Muscat, Gewurztawhoosits, and Sauv Blanc). and some other goodness. I have a feeling that there’s going to be a few wine characteristics in this beer. I open the bottle, and angels sing  I smell some citrus and malt; smells kinda like a tripel. Off to a good start. I can also smell the grape juice a little bit. The flavor is malty, citrusy and dry. Also alcohol-y. Woah. Hold everything. If I keep the beer on the front of my tongue, it tastes like a nice Belgian tripel. Malty, bright. When I knock it to the back of my tongue, it transforms into a Fruity Sauvignon Blanc (no, spellcheck, that one’s right). Wow, that’s crazy. In a good way. A bit more of the tripel came out later, probably when I got closer to the bottom, the yeast adding some nuttiness.

What Have We Learned?

I’m still trying to wrap my head around this beer. I’ve picked up wine notes in a beer before, but this just flat out turned into wine. I think that wine taste helped me not notice the alcohol, which is substantial at 9.5%. Looks like Stone is really going outside the box for these Epic Ales. Shifting their paradigm. Thinking outside the bun. I’m now kinda sad I didn’t get to try the 1.1.1 through 9.9.9, but you can bet I’ll be there for the 11.11.11 and 12.12.12. releases. You’ll hear about it. Can’t wait for it? Think how I feel.


Published in: on July 9, 2011 at 10:32  Leave a Comment  

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